Magic Adventures by Dazzling Dan is an innovative, interactive video project akin to ‘Choose Your Own Adventure’.
It enables the viewer to interact with the narrative/video-feed responding to questions asked directly by the actor on screen, interact with props in the video, and engage and take part in the direction of a dramatic narrative.
Not just a passive video, Magic Adventures is an immersive, interactive experience. The interface fuses pre-recorded video, interactive video software and alternative scripted endings. The audience is engaged and taken on a virtual magic trip around Geelong.

About Dan Bingham
Dazzling Dan the Magic Man performs first-class magic shows, combining cheeky comedy with unexpected surprises. Children know Dazzling Dan the Magic Man for his colourful storytelling and enchanted show, while adults know ‘Dan’ for his quick wit and sleight of hand.
Having been awarded aCreative Engine Jump Start grant in 2021 to begin scriptwriting, Dazzling Dan is excited to have access to Geelong Arts Centre rehearsal space to workshop and choreograph performances, and take this unique project from “a cute technical achievement to a rich innovation in storytelling”.
For more information about Dan visit