A circus-theatre reimagining of the First Lady Astronaut Trainees and their fight for space.
GO/NO GO fuses circus and theatre to dynamically reimagine the lives of the First Lady Astronaut Trainees - thirteen barrier-breaking women who in 1961 committed themselves to passing the same tests as the famed Mercury 7 astronauts.
They wanted to show the world that women too had the right stuff. Once they passed those hurdles – with flying colours – all they had to do was convince NASA they even had a right to be considered. Then the real challenge started.
When NASA first debated which professions might be best suited to space flight, an idea was floated: how about the circus? Acrobats, aerialists, and daredevils - they'd be perfectly suited to working in extreme conditions! Then, of course, came test pilots, and the circus world’s connection to space ended before it began. Until now!
GO/NO GO is high-energy circus-theatre, for lovers of adventure, space, science, and any woman who has ever wanted to go to the moon.
Welcome to the space race.
Creative Team Credits
Director: Felicia Lannan
Playwright: Natalie Frijia
Performers: Erika Hansson, Rindi Harradine, Aleshanee Kelso, Emily Loe, Michele Owen, Grace Robins, Felicity Steele
Production Design: Francesco Minniti
Photo Credit
Photo by Dan Rabin.
Image Featuring: Rindi Harradine & Amy Nightingale-Olsen
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