Creative Learning

Wonderbox by Sensorium Theatre

Performing Lines WA | Creative Learning 2024


Sensorium Theatre - Australia’s only theatre company making work specifically designed for young audiences with disability and their friends – invites children to roll the dice and set out along a safe, exhilarating pathway into the unknown.

Inside a giant puzzle-box of illusions, kooky-carnival friends with magic in their pockets lead audiences into an immersive multi-sensory wonderland of fantastical large-scale projections, strange tiny delights, and infectious live music. EVERY child’s curiosity is celebrated and rewarded with wondrous surprises. As boxes reveal boxes within boxes each child is given the opportunity to find a magical version of themselves. Inside the Wonderbox, micro moments of whole worlds in a matchbox lead into macro universes where EVERYONE, their face reflected in the stars of the Milky Way, is invited to be wonderful!

Due to the format of the show, only participating young people are required to purchase a ticket. Each young person may bring 1 carer free of charge.

Show warning & booking information

Wonderbox is a multi-sensory immersive theatre performance created with and for children and young people with disability, and their family and friends. All performances of Wonderbox are relaxed performances, with audiences invited to sit or move around freely within the performance space and adjacent chill-out zone, which features comfortable seating and minimal sound. The performers use multi-modal communication including key signs, natural gesture, visual symbols and minimal verbal language. The show is highly visual with a rich aural environment and many opportunities for individual engagement and interaction through the senses.

Wonderbox is an inclusive show and Sensorium will adapt the work to the audience, as such we welcome interested audiences to call our friendly Box Office team to discuss their specific requirements when securing tickets.

Click the button below to book.


Artists Credits

  • Co-Artistic Director & Performer Francis Italiano
  • Co-Artistic Director & Performer Michelle Hovane
  • Musical Director & Performer Jamie David
  • Songwriting and Additional Composition Rebecca Bradley and Jamie David
  • Movement Director Daisy Sanders
  • Costume Designer & Associate Set Designer Amalia Lambert
  • Headpiece Design & Construction Mand Markey
  • Costume Construction Ellen Flatters
  • Lighting Designer Lucy Birkinshaw
  • Audio Visual Designer & Projections Roly Skender
  • Creative Coder & Technical FX Steve Berrick
  • Dramaturgs & Devisors Francis Italiano, Michelle Hovane, Rebecca Bradley, Jamie David and Daisy Sanders
  • Rehearsal Director Ella Hetherington
  • Performers Jamie David, Bec Bradley, Rachael Woodward, Gabriel Critti-Schnaars and Joanna Lavole
  • Production Manager Roger Miller
  • Stage Manager Catherine O’Donoghue
  • Produced by Performing Lines WA


10:00am, Wed 14 August SOLD OUT

1:00pm, Wed 14 August SOLD OUT

10:00am, Thur 15 August SOLD OUT

1:00pm, Thur 15 August SOLD OUT

10:00am, Fri 16 August SOLD OUT

1:00pm, Fri 16 August SOLD OUT

Ticket prices

$25 per student

One carer per student may attend free of charge


The Open House

Venue info



60 Minutes, no interval


Inclusive performances for children with disabilities and their carers (recommended for years 2-12)


Limited to 15 children (and their carers) per session


This show has been created for children with all abilities and is fully accessible for those with wheelchairs.


Enhance the experience by using Wonderbox’s online preparatory materials available here. These resources familiarise children and young people with the story characters, songs and storytelling methods, resulting in a more enjoyable show experience.